Education and Public Awareness Campaigns

Education can take a number of forms from formal learning (such as at a school or university) to short courses and workshops, can use a number of media (including in person and online learning), and can by synchronous or asynchronous (whether the students and teachers are engaged in educational activities at the same or different times). Public awareness campaigns are a type of education used to raise awareness of social concerns (such as the importance of good nutrition and regular visits to a doctor). Technology is used to make educational presentations to students (in-person and online), and to assess student learning.


Education has been a core activity of Insight since we were first established in 2011. Insight CEO, Dr Mark Griffin, is perhaps the most active training provider in statistics in Australia having now presented over 100 two-day and 50 five-day workshops. Insight also works under a Registered Training Organization (Skills Strategies, RTO #2401), where Skills has 60 qualifications (Certificates and Diplomas) on scope. Mark has been a student, staff member, and close industry collaborator within the university system since 1991 (primarily at the University of Queensland and Griffith University). He is currently completing his seventh university degree, a Master of Education. Mark has also been a member of the Toastmasters International Program in Public Speaking ever since 2007, and in 2024 co-founded a Toastmasters club at Griffith University on the Gold Coast.


Insight provides support to education providers (for education provided both by ourself and by others), and also provides training about the education and communication sectors.

Our staff are members of the Australian Academy of Cinema Television Arts (AACTA). Insight is a member of Experience Gold Coast and the Queensland Tourism Industry Council, and a Business Partner of Microsoft and a member of Microsoft’s Education Program.