Our Story

Our story began in 1972 when our CEO, Mark Griffin, was born to a father who had worked professionally in the field ever since he was in high school. Derek Griffin is still active in the field where his work can be found at https://ggservices.tv. Mark grew up helping his father in numerous jobs within theatre productions and the local church community. A major activity they were involved in was the monthly youth rally organized by the Uniting Church in Brisbane known as YAF. YAF had been organized for over 40 years, Derek served a term as the head of the YAF Lighting Team (with Mark assisting him), and at its peak had 4000 attendees.


As well as the guidance that Mark received from his father, Mark also received guidance through his Mum’s side. His grandfather, Ian Hill, was an electrical engineer specializing in the design and construction of AM and FM radio transmitters. In his time Ian’s transmitters had the best signal-to-noise ratio of any transmitters in the international market. Mark was fortunate growing up to spend his summers working with his grandad in his lab where Ian would give him projects (like “this summer I want you to create a flashing light”). Ian would then use Mark’s simple circuits in the transmitters that Ian sent to clients around the world.


As a teenager Mark worked on various high school productions and started working independently in providing audiovisual services for the churches he attended. He has provided these services within the churches he attends to the present day, where he currently attends New Life Uniting Church in Robina (the largest Uniting Church in Australia with 750 seats and five services each week).


Mark progressed to complete six university degrees (including a Bachelor of Computer Engineering, a Masters in Medical Statistics, and a PhD in Mathematics). As if six degrees wasn’t enough he is currently completing his seventh degree part-time (a Masters of Education where he is focussing on adult learning).


After a long career in academia he started Insight Research Services Associated in 2011 to provide training and consulting in data science across the various industries which involve the collection and analysis of data (ie. he enjoys working with clients across all industry sectors).


In 2024 Mark established a branch of Insight, “Insight Film Technologies, Careers and Training” in order to combine his interests in data science, computer engineering, stage work, outdoor locations and computer games.


Insight provides technology services (where our expertise has been built up from ever since Mark’s father and grandfather discovered a love of technology), career services (with our strong connection with student clubs at Griffith University), and training (from a Registered Training Organization that we partner with to provide training in data science and the film, live event, and computer game industries).


We love what we do and we are excited about everything that the future has in store!!